Time to SHUT Down the Corrupt FBI? (Video)

Thursday, February 22, 2018 by

Is it time to shut down the corrupt FBI and arrest the traitors running it?

Podcast Transcript: “You know Tom Fitton of Judical Watch is now questioning whether we should shut down the FBI. The FBI is so corrupt. I mean you talk about dirty… You know these texts have emerged between Peter Strzok who was involved in the interview of Hillary, the entrapment of Michael Flynn, as well as the FISA warrant against Trump campaign officials. Peter Strzok was having an affair with Lisa Paige. They both worked at the FBI and they both conspired to get the FISA warrant, so they could spy on the American citizens – under the Obama regime. It looks like the FBI has become secret police KBJ branch of the Obama administration. It is a deep state, swamp full of treasonous, traitorous criminals, who are violating law at every turn. From these texts we know that Peter Strzok told Lisa Paige that they have to have an insurance policy just in case Trump wins the election. They were plotting against the Trump administration before the election ever took place. They can’t be impartial investigators…” Listen to the full podcast below:

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Time to SHUT DOWN the corrupt FBI? from NaturalNews on Vimeo.


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