Tuesday, August 22, 2017 by Martin Mavis
The Health Ranger reveals five new websites that cover survival, preparedness, bugging out and making it through social collapse.
Podcast Transcript: “We are just one trigger event away from chaos in this country. I want to give you some new websites that you may not have heard of that we have now published. They are sub-channels for preparedness gear, survival, self-reliance and so on. We just hired a new, full time writer, to focus just on preparedness, wilderness survival, some sort of light firearms coverage for survival, firearms and so on. It’s going to be a ton of good information coming out on that front. By the way, over the years here, recently we have quietly become the largest independent publishing network on the internet other than Breitbart. So, Breitbart.com – political news – they are the largest independent news network. We are, across all of our sites – over 200 different websites now – second right behind Breitbart, but you don’t see it on the official charts, because we don’t have any one site that is right behind Breitbart. It’s the aggregation of all of our sites. Some of those sites I want to mention to you hear…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Some of them include:
New SURVIVAL websites to check out from NaturalNews on Vimeo.
Tagged Under: Tags: Collapse, debt collapse, EMP attack, grid down, natural disasters, preparedness, survival