When Hillary Is ARRESTED, the Left Launches a Violent UPRISING (Video)

Tuesday, February 20, 2018 by

Hillary Clinton is going to be arrested sooner or later. When that happens, it will spark a violent uprising on the Left.

Podcast Transcript: “Truly another bombshell revelation here about what may be the trigger behind the mass social chaos, the uprising in the cities of America, that we know is being anticipated by certain governmental authorities. We’ll just say it that way because of this story of contractors being told to prepare for domestic deployment. Now, I reported that a couple of months ago, but I didn’t know what the trigger event would be. Today, I believe I know what the trigger event is and it’s going to blow your mind. Well, I don’t know if you’re well informed, maybe I’ll just get right to it. It’s going to be the indictment and arrest of either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama; one or both of those people is going to be arrested and indicted for multiple felony crimes. It’s most likely going to be Hillary Clinton. Obama has more immunity as a former president and he’s got more distance between him and the crimes that were committed. Things may reflect poorly on Obama. Obama was certainly in charge when the felony crimes, and the illegal surveillance was being conducted on the Trump campaign officials, and transition officials, but Hillary Clinton… Her hand has been caught in the cookie jar…” Listen to the full podcast below:

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When Hillary is ARRESTED, the Left launches a violent UPRISING from NaturalNews on Vimeo.


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