Living in the Age of MANIA (Video)

Friday, January 19, 2018 by

We are all living in the “Age of MANIA,” where popular delusions dominate the social landscape. Completely deranged, false ideas are now widely accepted as facts by not just Leftists, but people from every sector of society.

Podcast Transcript: “We are living in what might be called the age of mania, where everything, it seems, has become a mania – like an unhinged, delusional, non-rational response, really powered by a lot of sheepleness – if you can use that word – or group conformity. Let me give you some examples. Number one: We have to say Bitcoin is a great example of a mania. It has entered a pathological stage of people who don’t think critically, who are just jumping in like lemmings being led off a cliff. I’m not gonna focus on Bitcoin here, but it’s just one great example of a mania. Another mania is how Democrats hate Donald Trump. There’s no reason involved in it. There’s no evidence of real Russia collusion for example – there’s just a raw hatred, which has become a mania that is driving these people, and it’s driving them insane. They can’t really elucidate why they hate Donald Trump with any rational reasoning. It’s just things they heard from the media, which are mostly fake news anyway, but they have this deeply ingrained hatred and it has become a mania that they do a lot of virtue signaling to share their hatred publicly, so that they gain the acceptance of other people who also have that same hatred. So, it’s become like a social movement – a conformity tactic – to show your hatred for President Trump and yet one more mania. Other manias that are out there are…” Listen to the full podcast below:

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Living in the Age of MANIA from NaturalNews on Vimeo.


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