Hospital Computer Collapse by Ransomware Apocalypse (Video)

Wednesday, June 28, 2017 by

The Health Ranger explains why blind faith in a tech-driven society is a fool’s journey, since small snippets of computer code can bring society to its knees in mere minutes.

Podcast Transcript: “Hospitals all across the UK have been brought to their knees by ransom ware. That’s where hackers take over your computer system and then they demand that you pay them bitcoin to unlock your computer. Many, many hospitals across the entire United Kingdom are down. Their phone systems don’t work, their x-ray systems don’t work, the patient records systems don’t work … they can’t conduct medicine, because it’s all been digitized and computerized. Now all of their computers have been held for ransom, literally, by these hackers who are demanding bitcoin payment to unlock the computers. It kind of makes you wonder just how resilient anything is in our society today. You’ve got these doctors who are suppose to be the smartest people in the world and they can’t even keep their computers from being effected. They can’t even now run a hospital without Russian hackers – or where ever they come from – taking over their computers and demanding bitcoin money to release them. It kind of makes you wonder how competent they are about everything else. I know some of this malware is pretty insidious stuff, but it’s very interesting to me that these hackers have in effect, created a wake up call here for the entire medical community to understand just how vulnerable they are to malware and ransom ware – and how dependent they are on computer systems now to get anything done.” Listen to the full podcast below:

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Hospital Computer Collapse by Ransomware Apocalypse from NaturalNews on Vimeo.


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