ANALYSIS: North Korea’s Military Readiness (Video)

Friday, June 23, 2017 by

Mike Adams analyzes North Korea’s military readiness and warns about the risk of global warfare.

Podcast Transcript: “OK this is a serious discussion about the military readiness of North Korea. I’ve come across a lot of information recently, because of the escalation of tensions there, that has me quite concerned. A lot more concerned then I was a few days ago. So, I want to share with you what I’m seeing and why this is a big deal. My initial impression before all of this, was that North Korea had all out-dated equipment, a crappy military and not even good rifles probably. Well it turns out that North Korea, because it’s a buffer zone for both Russia and China, it is in the interest of both Russia and China, to give or sell North Korea a lot of military equipment. So what has happened over the years is that the Soviet Union sold a lot of equipment to North Korea, probably even including – I’m now learning – nuclear capable submarines. Submarines that can launch nuclear ICBMs – Submarine-launched ICBMs (nuclear warhead missiles). It looks like North Korea now has some Soviet designed submarines – or at least submarines that are modeled after Soviet designs…” Listen to the full podcast below:

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ANALYSIS: North Korea’s Military Readiness from NaturalNews on Vimeo.


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